【Upcoming Event】Post Global Futures

Upcoming event
Post Global Futures
Wednesday, 23th April, 2014
Collaboration Room 2, 4F, Building 18, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo
The name for the process we call “Globalization” came into being in the
early 1990s, while the process itself came into being earlier. How much
earlier, however, is a matter of great debate and obsession. One
function of this debate over the origins of globalization is to distract
us from speculating about what might come after globalization. In this
seminar we will consider the possibilities and limitations of thinking
(and making) a post global future. Departing from this contradiction--of
speculating on a radically different future from the enclosure of the
present situation--Eric Cazdyn will revue his past and present work
ranging from film, Marxism, psychoanalysis, Buddhism and architecture.
Professor Eric Cazdyn
Eric Cazdyn is Distinguished Professor of Aesthetics and Politics at the
University of Toronto, where he teaches courses on critical and cultural
theory, psychoanalysis, globalization, and modern Japan. He is the
author of The Already Dead (Duke, 2012), After Globalization (with
Imre Szeman, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), The Flash of Capital (Duke,
2002); and editor of Trespasses (Duke, 2010) and Disastrous
Consequences (SAQ, 2007). He recently completed a manuscript on the
problem of praxis (the relation between theory and practice) within
psychoanalysis, Buddhism, and Marxism. Cazdyn is currently in Japan
conducting research in relation to a Mellon Foundation Fellowship.